Monday, November 11, 2013

The $100 Challenge

Originally this system was intended for a challenge my business professor gave us.  The $100 challenge!  We were to make a $100 profit selling anything and donate that money to a Kiva recipient.  I'm happy to announce I did it!

I sold my first aquaponcs kit on EBAY this morning and I think everything went fantastic.  I did a full days test on the barrel system and everything worked perfectly.  I had to fine tune the intake hose and siphon a little, but that was to be expected.  This just means my next build will be that much quicker.  I'm going to get started on another single barrel kit this week, and I'm hoping to get started on a double barrel system (55 gallon fish tank, and 24 sq. ft. of grow space) later this month.  I also have plans of building an aquaponics lab where I can experiment on different ideas I've been researching.  It's all very exciting, expect good things!  If you have any ideas for future posts or builds please let me know.

Expect the following in future posts:
The Nitrogen Cycle.
Assistive technology.
strawberry towers.
Can it be done? - Bananas and aquaponics.
Can it be done? - Blueberries and aquaponics.
Exploring Grow Lights.
In-Door gardening.

This challenge started as a school project, but has turned into a fun hobby!  There's so much potential in aquaponics, and I'm glad I finally got started with it.

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